Anyway, First step is to go to This site.
Step 2: scroll down and enter a email, it doesn't have to be your main email, you could just go to and get a temporary one for this. It doesn't matter which reward you click. Before submitting it make sure it has the numbers 82682, like shown:

Now on this form enter verify email, fill out paypal email, etc. For the address and phone, you do not need to use yours, but it does need to be real. Go to google and google "Arby's san fransisco" or another place in a random restaurant near you for an address and phone. Example:

Now we get to the real part, filling out offers. You should be on this page:

Click on the 'offers' button. You should be at a page that contains this:

Now go for your first offer, I'll give an example below:

Now that you've clicked on the offer, you will come to a page that basically says "enter email, submit" Do not use the email that you used to sign up, it will spam the heck out of it! It does not need to be real, just unique. For every single offer use a different email, for example: for one offer and for the next. Example shown:

Now press submit, and you will come to a form.What you say on this form doesn't matter as long as the address is real and the phone has the right first 6 numbers (area code and first 3 phone numbers) You can use the address and phone given here:

Alright, now just let the popup sit for a few seconds, then close it down, along with the site. Don't worry about the 'step 2' survey crap. It's not necessary. Close it down, and go to the offers page again. Put your mouse over an offer to check the requirements and such. If it says "requirements: conversion on email submit", or something really close, then use that one. You need to complete 8 offers, each of them only submitting an email and a really quick form. If you have questions send me a tell or email me at, thanks!
P.S. Once you're done, tell me and I'll double check that you did it and give you your reward.